Friday, April 03, 2009


Jasmine on Film & Photography will explore my journey in these mediums. In regards to photography I will be working mainly with the 5D Mark II, while learning to apply post tools aesthetically. There is something to be said about using tools like Lightroom & Photoshop with taste.

I am new to digital photography. In the past I have always shot on film, mainly Velvia for the colour rich quality and as a trained focus puller I am very comfortable and feel at home using film cameras. Digital cameras certainly have made their place in film making & photography. Over the last couple of years I have found that I am working on set with digital cameras more & more. As I read once on a cinematography forum... No camera is magical and has all the answers. Each camera is a paintbrush, its own tool with its own limitations & capabilities. 

I use the 5D Mark II because it is the only DSLR that I own. I can not run camera tests along side Nikons or RED... and a hasselblad is just too damn expensive. Besides... my eye is not trained enough yet to spot differences in an image because of sensors etc.

In a few weeks time I will take a B&W printing class at SMC. I really feel that by going back to the darkroom and learning the basics of printing from film, that I will have a clearer understanding of what I can accomplish using post tools for digital images. I am still learning to let go of a digital photographs original metadata and accepting that using products like Lightroom & Photoshop is not cheating.

I hope you enjoy the journey as much as I do.

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