What an interesting day! While LA came out to play with the sun shinning, (hopefully) a sign of the summer to come, I eagerly sat myself inside a small dark and very air-conditioned room, to learn the ins and outs of Adobes Lightroom 2.3. Having already sat through the previous online tutorials I found the first half of the class, not as interesting as I would have liked... however, roll on lunch and an inevitable pita bread from "jack in the box"...I know, sounds worse than it was... and I was immersed once again in the possibilities of the digital darkroom. Today, I truly learnt the ramifications of not shooting RAW while in Sydney on my last trip (bad Jasmine!) Never again!
I also learnt how awesome a recovery can be in post for my white balance. Bitches YAY! Stoked or what!!!! I wont lie, I am guilty as charged for shooting B&W in low light situations where I find it hard to colour balance. eg: Clubs, Bars & Restaurants. Yay! There is hope yet.
I also guiltily confess that until a week ago, I had never heard of the term "Burn!" Yes yes, shoot me, I don't care, I never took photography at school and thus never learnt the awesomeness that is the darkroom (well, till next week anyways), so I am slowly, but hopefully not too slowly, learning the ins and outs of what I can accomplish creatively, in both a dark & light room.
I will spend the week attempting to use my post tools aesthetically... stranger things have happened. Wish me luck. I guess this is where the term Less Is More, will come into play so much.
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